Thursday 22 January 2015


By Christian Ebere Obanye

1. Tell me a little about yourself”  “Tell us about yourself”

I am Your Full Names, Your profession/Degree/Grade/Name of your School. State your NYSC place of primary assignment and year. Job Experience if any, e.g. : after my NYSC, I joined XYZ Ltd in December yyyy as an Management Trainee and in June yyyy, I left for YYY Ltd, where I am currently working as an Assistant Finance Manager.
I am experienced in e-payment and money transfer transactions, stock and inventory management, database management, security and internal control mechanism, data and information processing, payment preparation task and DSTV online transactions.

State your accomplishment if any, e.g.: I developed the database for all payment transactions in my company. I developed the security and internal control measures of tracking fraudulent activities in my company. I headed the team that reviewed the US-developed compensation plan for my company and integrated our local products into it. I initiated the use of programmed system invoicing and balance sheet for my company and created a comprehensive stock analysis/report programmed format for my department. I have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past and present position that have saved money and increase productivity.

State your skills; e.g.: I am good in economic analysis and research, expert in econometric analytical tools, investment analysis and skilled in web based application and power point presentation. I like team work, but also a self-starter who doesn’t mind working on my own and finally a forex trader in the making.

I say, thank you (all) for giving me this wonderful opportunity to show case myself.                                                           (Thank you for giving me your audience).

HINT: Try to do this in five (5) minutes maximum.
2. “What do you feel has been your greatest work-related accomplishment?”

       What You Did?
My greatest work-related landmark achievement was the remarkable review of the US-Developed compensation plan for my company and the integration of our local product into it.


       How You Did It?
In our analysis, we employed the basic investment, mathematical, cost, financial and economic analytical tools, templates/formats (e.g. cost analysis, income and expenditure analysis of the cost structure of a firm, demand & supply analysis, the value and currencies ($ & N) equivalent & profitability equivalent analysis etc.) given the mark price, profit margin, present and past sales turnover (volume or trend) to get or calculate the profitability ratio, cost ratio, expected future turnover, acceptable profit margin, quantities and prices during a specific time interval to give us the same or higher (better) profit under the same condition.

      What Were The Results?
Given the above estimates or having calculated the above estimates, integrated our local production into the US compensation plan, compared and contrasted and subjected to the same business conditions, the result were economically sound or viable, which later was certified and applauded by the team for the good job done.

It has enhanced the company’s reputation of not overhauling or removing altogether our local products from the company’s products line which was in high demand with low (small profit margin).Thus solving the profitability problem by improved profit margin by raising the company’s revenue, and also reduced the production unit cost, by the consulting fee, of which if it was done by the external bodies, the company would have incurred extra cost.

3. “What is your greatest strength?”
We have (a) organizational skill (b) Leadership skills(c) Team building skills. This is a great chance to highlight your best skills.

      Organisation Skills
For example, if the job announcement stresses the ability to handle MULTIPLE TASKS, you could say:
I’m good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines.”
“I’m numerically and analytically inclined, a good time manager, protective, target oriented, meticulous and dynamic in nature.”

      Leadership Skills

Task Oriented
“I’m good at leadership skills, psychologically inclined, emotionally stable, identification of problems and proffering solutions. But my greatest strength is my ability to initiative solutions and implementing them”. (I work within the stipulated time & budget).

MBO-Result Oriented.
 “I am proactive and dynamic in nature, creative, good in initiative, courageous and optimistic” every decision affecting bottom line.

 High spirited, motivator, courageous, optimistic, carry people along, proper dissemination of information/ideas/beliefs training & right directives”

Participative Style
 Open door policy, good listener, welcome criticism (constructive), people face, adaptive to change, motivator, delegative, can do attitude, optimistic, creative, target oriented & courageous.

Team-Building Skills

“I’m good at team-building skills, good listener, creativity, initiation, joint action and analysis. But my greatest strength is my ability to see other partner’s success (contribution) as a means for the attainment of my own success to the actualization of the company’s corporate goals and objectives”.

“Team spirited, believe in cooperation, welcome constructive criticism, logical, can do attitude, ability to impart ideas to people, good at interpersonal and communication skills, accommodate individual differences & phlegmatic in nature”.

“Creative in expression and knowledge, easily make friends, courageous, speaks into people’s spirit­­- “divided we fall togetherness we stand”, “Cooperation make rice full pot”, “If you can think it, you can achieve it”, “the world of all possibilities, creative mind, good thinking ability, two good heads better than one”. I don’t believe that things are difficult or hard to do, teach me how to do it, and I would do it even better than you did” “According to Henry Ford-
“Nothing is particular hard if you divide it into small jobs”. Adaptive to change, “If your ideas are better than mine, I follow yours”.

Say - (Treatise on political Economy) published 1803. Keynes was a controversial and quick-witted figure. A critic once complained that Keynes was constantly shifting his position, to which Keynes retorted: “When I discover I am wrong. I change my mind. What do you do?

Say’s law states that supply creates its own demand”. Keynes on the contrary turned it on its head, by saying that, instead, real GDP depends on what people are willing to buy-on demand, or as Keynes put it, on effective demand.

“The revolutionalisation of the macroeconomic thinking by Keynes”.

4. “What is your greatest weakness?”
“I’ve had trouble delegating duties to others because I felt I could do things better myself. This has sometimes backfired because I’d end up with more than I could handle, and although accurate (excellent) work but most times (or sometimes) not meeting up with deadlines. But I’ve taken courses in     management and learned affective delegation techniques, and I feel I’ve overcome this weakness”.

NB: Be sure the weakness you talk about is NOT a key element of the position!

“I am authoritative in using language, I overwork myself when I have set target. I don’t condole to laziness. I don’t feel comfortable when things are done unprofessionally, unethically; where there are no rules and regulations. I feel weakened where hard work or contribution is not appreciated. I find it hard to back out (resign) from an assignment initiated or started. I argue a lot, especially when I have a good point or 100% sure of my point.

5. “How do you handle stressful situations?”

Give some examples of stressful situations you’ve dealt with in the past. ((1) MD instructing me to attend to a customer at closing hour (2) many customers in the office to attend to (3) weekend delivery or acceptance of supplied products (4) Emergency report request b/4 the usual day. etc.), also when I’ve set a target.                  

“Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce stress. For example, tell them that making a “to-do” list helps. Mention stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break. Don’t be afraid to admit that you will ask assistance if you are feeling overwhelmed. “Avoiding Mistake”

NB: “If it is true, say you actually work better under pressure.
“I try not to put myself under pressure or unnecessary stress situation especially when it’s not unexpected, by proper planning & good time management”.

6. “What is the toughest problem you’ve had to face, and how did you overcome it?”     ---“use answers to Q2

 When my company was almost going out of business (temporary) due to very low profit margin (break even point) and making negative profit from our products, of which having contacted the USA consultants, we reviewed, integrated the same products & were successful, while waiting for the new additional products. [NAFDAC issues & some imports logistics.].

7. “Why are you the best person for this job?”

“Because” “I’ve got extensive experience in: payment transactions (electronic & manual) and money transfer, stock and inventory management, security and internal control mechanism, database/bank management, data and information processing, payment preparation tasks, ICT inclined and good in web based applications and power point presentations etc. I have the specific skills you are looking for, I’m a fast learner and intelligent who adapts quickly to change and will hit the ground running. I am creative, courageous, good team player, phlegmatic, meticulous, motivated, I have can do spirit, workaholic, result driven, target oriented, focused, disciplined, determined, imbued with analytical ability, see problems as challenges. I am numerically inclined, good time manager, proactive and dynamic.
I have these track records of getting things done, look at my resume: I developed the database/bank for all payment transactions in my company; developed the security and internal control measures of tracking fraudulent activities; headed the team that reviewed the US developed compensation plan for my company and integrated our local products into it and many more as you can see. I have these abilities of setting priorities, identifying problems (turned into challenges) and using my experience and energy to solve them.

I am dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meets its goals and will provide top-quality results with minimal oversight. I’m an outstanding performer who takes pride in his work. I tell you that my skills and interests, combined with this history of getting results, make me valuable. You won’t have any regrets when you hire me.

8. “What can you do for us (the company)” OR “What service can you offer to us (the company)?”

“I am well experienced in these areas and can dutifully offer you services in them:
  1. Payment transactions (electronically & manually) and money transfer.
  2. Stock / Inventory management
  3. Security and Internal control mechanism
  4. Database/bank management
  5. Data and information processing and
  6. System administration


Treasurer/Corporate Finance:
Acquisition of funds-financing, credit management, banking and banking relation, cash management/forecasting, capital budgeting-investment decisions, risk management and dividend decisions.

Financial accounts/bookkeeping, auditing, taxation, management accounting, cost control, tax planning and financial reporting.

I’m a fast learner, numerically inclined, creative, initiative, intelligent, and imbued with analytical ability and adapts quickly to change and will hit the ground running. I am ICT inclined, good in web based applications and in power point presentations and designs, and have social capital to crown it all.

I have track records of getting things done, look at my CV (resume): I developed the database/bank for all payments transactions in my company; developed the security and internal control measures of tracking fraudulent activities; headed the team that reviewed the US developed compensation plan for my company and integrated our local products into it, developed the stock and inventory software for my company and many more as you can see. I have these abilities of setting priorities, identifying problems (turned into challenges), and using my experience and energy to solve them.

I’m dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meets its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal over site. I’m an outstanding performer, of which I was made supervisor over my colleagues, and I take pride in my work. I put it to you that my skills and Interests, combined with this history of getting results, make me valuable. You won’t have any regrets when you hire me.


Ask questions that show that you have done research about the company.
  1. What do you enjoy most working here?
  2. When do you expect to make your final decision?   *Be sure you ask this! You need to know when to follow up
  3. Is there anything I’ve mentioned that makes you think I’m not the best candidate for this job?

For example: “I know I have limited experience in this field, but what I lack in specific experience I make up for in enthusiasm and desire to excel. I’m a fast learner and I will work harder than anyone else to be a top producer on your team” “Use every opportunity and unexpected questions to mention your best selling points”.

9. “Have you ever had to discipline a problem employee? If so, how did you handle it?”

“Supervisory duties” * especially!  NB: Guidelines not detailed.

I used problem-solving skills, listening skills, and coaching skills to help the employees, of which they gave positive results for many. But for few that couldn’t comply, may be due to bad character or incompetence, I followed the company’s policies by…. (I give them queries, oral warning, suspension and at most (worst) outright sack) as end results. (I also report them to the higher authority for disciplinary action).

10. “What do you look for when you hire people?”

“I look out for qualities in terms of skills, initiative, and the adaptation to be able to work comfortably and effectively with others. I like to hire people who appear capable of moving up in the organization.”

11. “What are you here for today?”

I am here for a job interview, to showcase myself before the interview panel that I have the skills and qualification they are looking for the position /job. That I am enthusiastic and dedicated about helping your company meets its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal over site. That I am an outstanding performer who takes pride in his work and assure you that you won’t have any regrets when you hire me.

12. “What is your day like? –Hints: Work schedules/ Daily Activities.

I so much believe in the saying that “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” So I plan a head of each day activities. Of course I am proactive, thus I have my “to-do” list for each day. When I wake up in the morning I pray, I prepare for work, check my list and set to work.

“First and foremost, when I get to the office, I update all the data and information on my desk and start to work on my list, on all previous task not finished and on my current updates while waiting for the day’s customers, of which services are rendered to them first come, first serve and as the need arises. At the end of the day, I summarize my reports, forward accordingly if daily and plan for tomorrow’s activities.”
13. “What do you look for in a job?”

“I look for opportunities to add value, perform, contribute my own quota and be recognized for my contributions.

14. “Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed?”

“I could define the position of management accountant as a position whereby the person in-charge would be working in a small finance team and be responsible for supporting the head of finance and providing a comprehensive accounting and reporting services, reporting to the head of finance, with the following detailed key responsibilities and accountabilities:

1.     “If you are not certain, ask the interviewers, he or she may answer the question for you.”
10. etc.
15. “How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?” Hint: Be realistic

“While I would expect to meet pressing demands and pull my own weight from the first day, it might take six months to a year before I could expect to known the organization and its needs well enough to make a major contribution.

16. “How long would you stay with us?”

“I am interested in a career with the organization, but admit that I would have to continue to feel challenged to remain with any organization, as long as we both feel achievement-oriented.”

17. “Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What’s your opinion?

“I am interested in establishing a long-team association with your organization, and I assume that if I perform well in this job, new opportunities will open for me. A strong company like yours needs strong staff. We can observe that experienced executives are always at a premium. Since I am well qualified, the company (employers) will get fast return on its investment. I tell you that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent.
18. “What is your management style?”

HINT: you should known enough about the company’s style to known that your management style will complement it.

  Task Oriented Style
“I enjoy problem-solving, identifying what’s wrong, choosing a solution and implementing it”

  Results-Oriented Style
“Every management decision I make is determined by how it will affect the bottom line”. See MBO.

  Paternalistic Style
“I’m committed to taking care of my subordinates and pointing them in the right direction”.

  Participative Style

Hint: Is currently quite popular.
“I operate an open-door method of managing in which you get things done by motivating people and delegating responsibility”.

19. “Are you a good manager? Can you give me some examples? Do you feel that you have top managerial potential?”

Hints: Keep your answer achievement and task-oriented. Rely on examples from your career to buttress your argument. Stress your experience and your energy.

“We should know that ‘best managers are managers in time of crises’; sorting and filing of registration forms, reviewed US-Compensation plan, product counting and arranging; key contributions and initiatives in management meetings- Says Law, Keynes effective demand Law, cost analysis, Peachtree & Retail Plus, Profitability analysis, image, timely quality services and delivery etc.

20. “What do you think is the most difficulty thing about being a manager or executive?”
 NB: “Connect or use these points in Q19”

“These tasks are quite difficult: planning, execution and cost control but the most difficult task is to motivate and manage employees to get something planned, implemented and completed on time and within the budget”.

21. “What important trends do you see in our industry?”

“The future of the industry is so bright because; in terms of technological challenge, they are being met due to the ICT revolution and there are clear evidences that more better products services are being introduced and new effective ways of doing business in the industry would be unfolding as time goes on.

There is massive awareness of the need and benefits of the industry’s products and services, which would increase demand and attract more investment. The political environment is stable and the economic policies of the country are favourable and economic climate stable and security enhanced, of which in the near future the industry would be among the major contributors to the economy’s GDP.

22. “Why are you leaving (did you leave) your present (last) job?”

HINTS: Be brief, to the point, and as honest as you can without hurting yourself. If you were laid off in an across-the-board cut back, say so’ otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision the result of your action. Do not mention personality conflicts.

“Change is the only constant thing in life’, the move was (the result) my decision, personal and the result of my action.
I have a dream, which I know, I would fulfill in an organisation like yours. I’ve the burning (inmate) desire of becoming a petroleum economist, oil & gas economics expert, an expert in the management of petroleum industry in this nation (Accounting and Project management), which this opportunity has offered to me, so what do I do, grab it .

My company will miss me, I will miss them, we part for the better, I need to grow, I’ve a dream, I know where I am going to, of which the places I’ve worked before will be proud of me. As they would say, he was our staff before he left; I know he can do even better in his career. An environment to grow into my dream life, be involved in your team, learn from and develop in your team and add value to your team by achieving my dreamed goals towards the actualization of the company’s corporate goals and objectives. I want to become an expert in investment analysis, project management and accounting which this opportunity offers me. I want to be a distinguished manager, of this outstanding background, of which I am prepared and you know that when opportunity like this meets preparedness like mine, the result is success. Thank you.

23. “How do you feel about leaving all your benefits to find a new job?”

HINTS: Don’t suggest that security might interest you more than getting the job done successfully.

“I’m concerned, naturally, but not panicked; according to Rupert Murdoch ‘sometimes you have to pay a high price for an opportunity’. So, I’m willing to accept some risk to find the right job for myself.

24. “In your current (last) position, what features do (did) you like the most? What you like least? ”

HINT: Be careful and positive.

“For the most, I love its exposing and challenging nature; It has exposed me to e-business transactions, security and internal control measures, stock/inventory management and accounting, ICT inclined (system administration, web based applications, power point presentation and design, database management etc. Also has acquired administrative skills and exposed to modern business environment and have learned if not expert (professional), well experienced in multi-level marketing business, not only in Nigeria but in the world as a whole. I can boldly say that I an experienced in the above mentioned very well. Due to its challenging nature, I love the contribution and achievements I have made so far in the company which you can see in my CV. I love the trainings got. For the least, was the introduction of grocery products and sometimes, improper dissemination of information and assumption with many promotions of products, travelling and carrying of stock loads and materials sometimes. Review!

25. “What do you think of your boss?”

HINT: Be as positive as you can.

“She is a great thinker, has good business ideas, target oriented, a professional and International Marketer, courageous, very optimistic, never gives up, bolder than a lion, outspoken, people face, excellent in packaging and branding and a great achiever. “But he is hot tempered and too aggressive”. “Sometimes thinks one way”. He is presentable and a motivational speaker. Believes in possibilities, pacesetter and goal getter. He believes in Open Door policy.

26. “Why aren’t you earning more at your age?”

HINTS: Don’t be defensive.

“This is one reason I am conducting this job search. Underemployment, I need an environment that need and that I can put in my full potentials into work and be appreciated for that. Where my (MRP) Marginal Revenue Product would be high, and challenged for better and higher quality services. Where my potential can be fully utilized, appreciated and challenged. Keep updating myself (Growth).

27. “What do you feel this position should pay?”

Hint: Salary is a delicate topic.*Link questions of salary to the work itself.

“I understand that the range for this job is between N ______ and N ______. That seems appropriate for the job as I understand it” ‘Perhaps you can help me on this one. Can you tell me if there is salary range attached to this job (position) in your organization?’
‘If you are asked the question during an initial screening interview, you might say that you feel you need to know more about the position responsibilities before you could give a meaningful answer to that question’. ‘Also, you can ask: Is a salary grade attached to the job, if yes the range seems right to me.

“You know that I’m making N_____ now. Like everyone else I’d like to improve on that figure, but my major interest is with the job itself. Remember that the act of taking a new job does not, in and of itself, make you worth more money.

28. “What are your long-range goals?” Where do you want to be in five years’ time?”

Hint: Relate your goals to the company you are being interviewed for the job.

“In a firm like yours, I would like to channel my energies and expertise into those areas the industry and employer need. Getting ahead, so that in a couple of years I hope to have become a through professional with a clear understanding of the company and the industry, and where the biggest challenges, and therefore opportunities lie. By that time, my goals for the future should be sharply defined”.


GOALS (Must be related to the Job you are seeking for)
My goals are to become a stockbroker in the next one year, a chartered accountant and complete my master’s Degree in the next five years and broaden my knowledge (experiences) in investment analysis, project management and information and communication Technology (ICT). 

29. “How successful do you ‘think’ you’ve been so far?”

“There is a wise saying that says: ‘evaluation of goals, achievements, intentions and projections constantly, keep one in the track of excellence’ which I do or practice.

Having done that, all in all, I’m happy with the way my career has progressed so far. Given the normal ups and downs of life, I feel I’ve done quite well and have no complaints.

NB: Present a positive and confident picture of yourself, but don’t overstate your case. The most convincing confidence is usually quiet confidence.

30. “What do you know about our organization?”

Hints: You should be able to discuss products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy.
‘No I.T.K, but have taken time to do some research.’ Make it clear that you wish to know more.
Give you answer a positive tone.

“In my job search, I’ve investigated a number of companies. Yours is one of the few that interest me, for these reasons:

31. “aWhy do you want to work for us? b Why do you want this position? c What do you find most attractive about this position?, What seems least attractive about it?”

HINTA: Do your research and homework and speak about the company’s needs.

HINTB: Research about the company will help you stand out among the other candidates. Explain how your qualifications and goals complement the company’s mission, vision and values (use specific examples)

If you are applying for a position in a company for which you already work, explain how you’ll be able to apply and expand on the knowledge and experience you’ve gained from your current position, and will be able to increase your contributions and value to the company through my new responsibilities.
HINTC: List three or four attractive factors of the job and mention a single, minor, unattractive item.

32. “What are your future expectations?”
“My expectations are that I want to get ahead. To do that, I must be able to channel my energies and expertise into those areas my industry and employer need. So in a couple of years I hope to have become a thorough professional with a clear understanding of the company, the industry, and where the biggest challenges and therefore opportunities lie. By that time, my goals for the future should be sharply defined”.

Hints: Pause after a question. You must show you think before you speak, showing analytical abilities. Occasionally, if you don’t understand ask for the question to be repeated.

“How soon shall I know the result of this interview?”
Thanks for giving me the advantage to showcase myself. Please, may you permit me to give you my CVs in case you may need my service at another level either as a group or individuals?
NB: If after sometime you have not heard from the organization, please phone or call to find out how you performed.

*I wish you all the best in your interviews, Amen.*

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