Wednesday 14 October 2015

THE FACEBOOK EFFECT: Facebook is about to get more emotional

Can you remember when you first came in contact with the ‘Like’ button on Facebook? If your first encounter was in response to a heart warming post, you probably did not mind clicking ‘Like.’ But if it was a heart-wrenching post, it must have been quite awkward to like it. However, as you got more conversant with Facebook it, it did not seem as insensitive as it used to.
Some other times however, the reverse is the case. You might be so in love with a post that you more than like it. Emotions are such a complex thing that a simple button doesn’t always cut it. Users have been saying this for years, and it seems that Facebook has finally listened.
This week, Facebook users in Ireland and Spain will be able to express a fuller range of emotions online with a set of new expressions and animated emojis. There’s a throbbing heart for “Love,” a fuming face for “Angry,” a teary-eyed “Sad,” a laughing “Haha,” a surprised “Wow” and an eyes-closed smile for “Yay.”
Facebook’s product manager, Mr. Chris Cox told international media that the company studied which comments and reactions are most commonly and universally expressed across Facebook, then worked to design an experience around them that was elegant and fun.”
Although the ‘reactions’ as Facebook called them, are a great improvement from the simple ‘Like’ button and comment section, not all users will be satisfied. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg disclosed recently that a ‘Dislike’ button is one of the most asked for features, it is not a feature the company would like to employ. He didn’t want to turn Facebook into a place where people voted posts up or down.
Facebook says it will use tests of the Reactions feature in Ireland and Spain to improve the options, and hopes to extend it to its one billion users across the world.
Source: Vanguard- BY LAJU IREN

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