Thursday 11 August 2016

Difference between Invoice and Receipt

There are a lot of complications in understanding the difference between invoice and receipt. The persons who engage in trading activities knows them, undoubtedly, but the person related to non-trading activities may have to go with severe perplexity to interpret the two terms. Here with the help of this article, the major difference between invoice and voucher has been discussed for the full apprehension of the two entities.

Content: Invoice Vs Receipt

1.      Comparison Chart

2.     Definition

3.     Key Differences

4.     Similarities

5.     Conclusion

Wednesday 10 August 2016

CV Tips: 5 Things You’re Forgetting to Do Before Sending Your Resume

If you could choose between a beautifully tailored outfit designed to fulfil all of your wildest fashion dreams or a ready-to-wear baggy tee from some random retailer, which would you pick? That’s a rhetorical question. You’d obviously want that tailored outfit. Did I mention it comes with bespoke pockets? Well, it does.

In the age of personalization, we want everything to be made to fit us. So, why would we expect a hiring manager to want anything different when they get a stack of resumes in response to a job offer? See here’s the rub. Whenever a hiring manager posts a job offer, they receive 250+ other resumes on average in response. From that pile, they need to find the one diamond that shines brighter than all the others.

How can you expect your resume to shine bright like a diamond (yes, I just quoted Rihanna) if you send in a generic resume that you didn’t tailor to the job offer? You can’t. Plain and simple. I know, you probably think that tailoring a resume is a difficult and time-consuming process. Here’s what I have to say to you – no, no it is not. Not if you make a good use of the infographic by Uptowork – Your Resume Builder  below and use the following tips:

Tuesday 9 August 2016

U.K. Announces Visa-Free Entry For Citizens Of Commonwealth Countries


As Theresa May takes over as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, a new visa regulations have been written and this ruled out visa requirements for citizens of Commonwealth member countries.
As per this revision of the visa regulations, all citizens of Commonwealth nations of which Nigeria is among no longer require visas when traveling to the UK for a period of six (6) months.